Goodman Mountain
What a fun, family friendly hike. The first 0.9 mile is an asphalt covered pathway. There is some elevation, but it is slight and barely noticeable. At that point the trail comes to the climb, but it is a gentle cruise winding around the mountain and very navigable. On the day we traveled, families were hiking up carrying toddlers in their hiking backpacks!
Goodman Mountain is located near the intersection of Route 3 and Route 30 about 12 miles north of Long Lake along NYS Route 30.
This 1.7 mile, one way, hike is over easy to moderate terrain. From the parking area locate the old road at the back.
Goodman’s trail traverses back and forth making the hike easier for just about all levels of hikers.
Enjoy the views of Coney Mountain.
From The Adirondack Almanack
Goodman and two fellow activists—James Chaney and Michael Schwerner—were kidnapped and killed by the Ku Klux Klan in June 1964. That summer, activists traveled through the Deep South in a campaign to register African-Americans to vote.
The murders and their aftermath was dramatized in the 1988 movie Mississippi Burning starring Gene Hackman and Willem Dafoe.
The name of the 2,176-foot peak was changed in 2002 from Litchfield Mountain to Goodman Mountain. Bill Frenette, the late Tupper Lake historian, led the campaign for the change.
The Goodman family lived in New York City but began spending summers in Tupper Lake in the 1930s. David Goodman, Andrew’s younger brother, said the siblings and their cousins often climbed the peak together.
Some material for this listing:
Phil Brown, 2014, “Goodman Mt. Trail Dedicated To Slain Civil-Rights Activist,” Adirondack Almanack, accessed October 1, 2021, https://www.adirondackalmanack.com/2014/08/goodman-mt-trail-dedicated-to-slain-civil-rights-activist.html