Ice Fishing Contest

🏆 Big fish, big rewards! 🎣

The Long Lake Fish and Game Club announces their ice fishing contest for 2025 on Saturday, February 8, 2025 in Long Lake, NY. The Adult Ice Fishing Contest and Adult/Child Kid Ice Fishing Contest will be happening simultaneously on the same day and time in Long Lake, NY.

Registration will start at 6 a.m. at the Long Lake Geiger Arena located at the Mt. Sabattis Recreation Area at 6 Pavilion Lane off of NYS Route 30 in Long Lake, NY. Registration will continue at the Long Lake Town Beach, 1258 Main Street starting at 7a.m. It is $25 per person for the adult contest and children 16 and under may fish for free.

Lines in at 7 a.m. and ends at 3 p.m. Fish must be at weigh-in station by 3 p.m. to be eligible. Categories of fish are: Northern Pike, Other Pike (Pickerel, Walleye, etc) Perch, Rainbow Trout and Land Locked Salmon. Hybrid Pike will be considered Northern Pike. If a Lake Trout is caught by a junior, they will be placed in the “Adult” contest. All fish must fall within legal NYSDEC fishing regulations size and bag limits to be eligible. Fishing is allowed on Long Lake, Lake Eaton. Only Lake Trout caught on Lake Eaton are eligible for the rollover prize.

The categories are judged as live weight and then by weight first, then length to break tie by weight. Contestants may keep their catch or release after the fish as been marked as entered the derby.

There will be Door Prizes and Cash prizes awarded starting at 3:30 p.m. and given out at the Long Lake Diner. Participants must be present to win.

For more information about the Long Lake Fish and Game Club please visit