The Town of Long Lake is excited to announce they have received $5000 in funding for “Wayfinding and History Kiosks: Finding Our Place in the Woods” from Adirondack Foundation’s Generous Acts Program.

This project will allow the Town of Long Lake to install historical, interpretive maps and kiosks at two new trailheads including the Mt. Sabattis Mountain Bike Park and a new trail to be announced and opened this summer.  The signs will provide hikers and bikers of all age’s insight and perspective on the Adirondacks, the waterways and the place-based history of the area.

“We are thrilled to accept this award from Generous Acts to help enhance our expanding trail assets and outdoor recreational experiences. We look forward to telling the story of these newly added trails with our kiosks and know they will enrich the lives of our community members and visitors,” said Alexandra Roalsvig, Long Lake Parks, Recreation and Tourism Director.

Mountain Bikers ready to hit the trails in October 2021 at Mt. Sabattis, Long Lake, NY

Raquette Lake has the longest ambulance ride to a hospital in all of New York State!

The Adirondack Foundation is awarding $14,705 to the Raquette Lake Fire Department for the Community Room Basic Facility and Communication Support.  The Raquette Lake Fire Department is planning to break ground on their new Fire Department building in the summer of 2022 as they celebrate their 75th anniversary. The funds received from the grant will cover the cost of furnishings for the new community meeting room in the new building.

Raquette Lake is known as being the community with the longest ambulance ride in New York State with mileage of 76 miles either direction to Utica or to Glens Falls.

Long Lake Rescue Squad Captain Carl Turner announces the Long Lake Rescue Squad was granted an award of $3000 for the replacement of 30-year-old CPR mannequins. The new mannequins will be used to coach EMT trainees and student users to perform proper rate and depth of compressions during emergency training.

The award also replaces outdated AED (automated external defibrillator) training equipment.

New training devices will be purchased by the Long Lake Rescue Squad with grant funds.

The Adirondack Foundation awarded a Generous Acts grant to the C.V. Whitney Long Lake Public Library in the amount of $1,800.00 for “Bridging the Digital Divide” encompassing the use of digital services and future demands of the community.

Library Director, Kristel Guimara, stated, “the award provides a service to the library by continuing the use of internet tools and operating services, engaging the public through social media to showcase new items in the circulation, upcoming programs, community events, and share photos on the beauty of our town.”

Long Lake Library continues to offer digital access with their grant funding.

The Town of Long Lake, located in Hamilton County, is a year-round Adirondack family destination, bursting with activities and nature for all. The town encompasses two well-known lakes, Long Lake and Raquette Lake, and waterways including the Raquette River as part of the Northern Forest Canoe Trail, the 90 Miler Route and abundant hiking trails. The Town provides locals and visitors with the quintessential small town Adirondack experience. The communities of Long Lake and Raquette Lake look forward to a sustaining a prosperous future for the next generation.

Support for this work is from Generous Acts at Adirondack Foundation – a force for good that pools gifts from generous donors who love the Adirondacks and care about our communities. Adirondack Foundation enhances the lives of the people in the Adirondacks through philanthropy. To learn more, visit

New hiking trail opening this summer. To be announced! Stay tuned!

Maps for Mt. Bike Trails will be highlighted on new kiosk at Mt. Sabattis